ASSIST database for community college articulated courses
Pursuing a double major or major/minor
Grading Policy: A letter grade of C or better must be earned in a class that is required for a Baskin Engineering major.
- Letter grades are required in all courses being applied to major requirements for all Baskin School of Engineering majors.
- For Baskin Engineering minors, there are no additional restrictions on P/NP grading, beyond UCSC campus policy.

Change of proposed major (must be logged in to Google with your UCSC account to access)
- Newly admitted students: We are unable to change proposed majors for incoming first year students until mid-July.

Petitions are only considered for current students. Incoming transfer students will have courses reviewed over the summer.
Petition for Course Substitution / Waiver of Policy / Approval to Take a Course Elsewhere

Department-specific information
Computer Science and Engineering
Exit requirements for Bioengineering, Biomolecular Engineering and Bioinformatics Biotechnology, Electrical Engineering B.S., Robotics B.S.