Our major qualification requirements can be found on our Major Qualification page.
- Curriculum Charts 2017-2018
- Curriculum Charts 2018-2019
- Curriculum Charts 2019-2020
- Curriculum Charts 2020-2021
- Applied Mathematics Lower-Division Electives 2020-2021
- Applied Mathematics Upper-Division Electives 2020-2021
- Computer Engineering Electives 2020-21
- Computer Engineering Robotics & Control Electives 2020-2021
- Computer Science: Computer Game Design Electives 2020-2021
- Network & Digital Technology Electives 2020-2021
- Robotics Advanced Robotics Electives 2020-21
- Robotics Engineering Advanced Electives 2021-2022
- Robotics Engineering Electives 2020-21
- Technology and Information Management Electives 2020-21
- Curriculum Charts 2021-2022
- Applied Mathematics Lower-Division Electives 2021-2022
- Applied Mathematics Upper-Division Electives 2021-2022
- Computer Engineering Electives (Digital Hardware Concentration) 2021-2022
- Computer Engineering Electives 2021-2022
- Computer Science: Computer Game Design Electives 2021-2022
- Network and Digital Technology Electives 2021-2022
- Robotics Engineering Electives 2021-2022
- Technology and Information Management Electives 2021-2022
- Curriculum Charts 2022-2023
- Applied Mathematics Lower-Division Electives 2022-2023
- Applied Mathematics Upper-Division Electives 2022-2023
- Computer Engineering Electives (Digital Hardware Concentration) 2022-2023
- Computer Engineering Electives 2022-2023
- Computer Science: Computer Game Design Electives 2022-2023
- Network and Digital Technology Electives 2022-2023
- Robotics Engineering Advanced Electives 2022-2023
- Robotics Engineering Electives 2022-2023
- Technology and Information Management Electives 2022-2023
- Curriculum Charts 2023-2024
- Curriculum Charts 2024-2025
- Applied Mathematics Electives 2024-2025
- Computer Engineering Electives 2024-2025
- Computer Science: Computer Game Engineering Electives 2024-2025
- Electrical Engineering Concentrations 2024-2025
- Electrical Engineering Minor Concentrations 2024-2025
- Network and Digital Technology Electives 2024-2025
- Robotics Engineering Electives 2024-2025
- Technology and Information Management Electives 2024-2025
- Curriculum Charts Archive