Computer Engineering Electives | Digital Hardware Concentration Electives
Computer Engineering Electives 2024-2025
Applied Math
- AM 114 Introduction to Dynamical Systems
- AM 147 Computational Methods and Applications
Computational Media
- CMPM 146 Game AI
Computer Science and Engineering
- CSE 101M Mathematical Thinking for Computer Science
- CSE 102 Analysis of Algorithms
- CSE 103 Computational Models
- CSE 106 Applied Graph Theory and Algorithms
- CSE 108 Algorithmic Foundations of Cryptography
- CSE 110A Compiler Design I
- CSE 110B Compiler Design II
- CSE 111 Advanced Programming
- CSE 112 Comparative Programming Languages
- CSE 113 Parallel Programming
- CSE 114A Foundations of Programming Languages
- CSE 115A Introduction to Software Engineering*
- CSE 118 Mobile Applications
- CSE 122 Introduction to VLSI Digital System Design*
- CSE 125 Logic Design with Verilog
- CSE 130 Principles of Computer Systems Design
- CSE 132 Computer Security
- CSE 134 Embedded Operating Systems*
- CSE 138 Distributed Systems: File Sharing, Online Gaming, and More
- CSE 140 Artificial Intelligence
- CSE 142 Machine Learning
- CSE 144 Applied Machine Learning
- CSE 150 Introductions to Computer Networks*
- CSE 151/L Advanced Computer Networks and Laboratory
- CSE 156/L Network Programming and Laboratory*
- CSE 157 Internet of Things*
- CSE 160 Introduction to Computer Graphics and Laboratory
- CSE 161/L Introduction to Visualization and Computer Animation and Laboratory
- CSE 165 Human-Computer Interaction
- CSE 167 Mobile Sensing and Interaction
- CSE 180 Database Systems I
- CSE 181 Database Systems II*
- CSE 183 Web Applications*
- CSE 186 Full Stack Web Development I
- CSE 193 Field Study
- CSE 198 Individual Study or Research
- CSE 220 Computer Architecture*
- CSE 222A VLSI Digital System Design*
- CSE 225 Introduction to ASIC Systems Design*
- CSE 228A Agile Hardware Design*
- CSE 276 Optimization Theory and Applications
CSE 193 and 198 require approval that is determined by the department via Course Substitution Petition.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECE 102/L Properties of Materials and Laboratory
- ECE 115 Solid Mechanics
- ECE 118 Introduction to Mechatronics
- ECE 130/L Introduction to Optoelectronics and Photonics and Laboratory
- ECE 135/L Electromagnetic Fields and Waves and Laboratory
- ECE 141 Feedback Control Systems
- ECE 151 Communications Systems
- ECE 152 Introduction to Wireless Communications
- ECE 153 Digital Signal Processing
- ECE 171/L Analog Electronics and Laboratory
- ECE 172 Advanced Analog Circuits
- ECE 173 High Speed Digital Design and Laboratory
- ECE 175/L Energy Generation and Control and Laboratory
*Can NOT be used as concentration course and an elective
**Can NOT be used as an elective and a capstone
Computer Engineering Electives (Digital Hardware Concentration) 2024-2025
Students can choose an elective from the computer engineering elective list or from the following graduate elective list. Digital Hardware Concentration Graduate-Level course list:
- CSE 207 Graph Algorithms
- CSE 220 Computer Architecture
- CSE 221 Advanced Microprocessor Design
- CSE 222A VLSI Digital System Design
- CSE 222B VLSI System-on-a-Chip Design
- CSE 225 Introduction to ASIC Systems Design
- CSE 226 Advanced Parallel Processing
- CSE 228A Agile Hardware Design
- CSE 229 Field-Programmable Gate Arrays Computer-Assisted Design
- CSE 234 Understanding Cryptography
- CSE 250A Computer Networks
- CSE 250B Principles of Computer Communication
- CSE 250C HIgh Speed Computer Networks
- CSE 253 Network Security
- CSE 257 Wireless and Mobile Networks
- CSE 259 Sensor Networks
- CSE 264 Computer Vision
- CSE 265/DANM 231 Human-Computer Interaction
- ECE 215 Models of Robotic Manipulation
- ECE 216 Bio-Inspired Locomotion
- ECE 218 Mechatronics
- ECE 240 Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems
- ECE 241 Introduction to Feedback Control Systems
- ECE 242 Applied Feedback Control
- ECE 244 Digital Control
- ECE 245 Estimation and Introduction to Control of Stochastic Processes
- ECE 246 Hybrid Dynamical Systems
- ECE 249 Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems