First Year FAQ

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What is the required placement information?

View information about your major: required placement, which classes to take, and additional information to support your success.

What are the Baskin School of Engineering Frosh Course Recommendations
  • All classes being used towards a Baskin Engineering major must be taken for a letter grade.
  • A typical course load at UCSC is three courses per quarter, and no more than 19 credits.
  • We recommend that students pursuing a Baskin School of Engineering major take one math course, one science or programming course, and one general education or non-major related course each quarter.

Tell me more about frosh first quarter of classes?

All classes being used towards a Baskin Engineering major must be taken for a letter grade. A typical course load at UCSC is three courses per quarter, and no more than 19 credits.

We recommend that students pursuing a Baskin School of Engineering major take: one math course, one science or programming course, and one general education or non-major related course each quarter.

For more enrollment information, please visit the following pages:

Personal Computer Requirement

The Baskin School of Engineering requires that all students own a laptop. A MAC or PC from the last several years is generally acceptable. The exact minimum specifications needed are listed below:

General minimum specifications: 

  • 16GB RAM
  • 500GB hard disk or SSD and 2GHz dual core processor (eg, Intel i5)

For Games:

  • GPU: Graphics card with DX9 (shader model 3.0) or DX11 with feature level 9.3 capabilities
Last modified: Mar 28, 2024