Tag: Announcements
2025 Summer Session Courses Launch
Plan for summer this winter at summer.ucsc.edu. Courses searchable by department or by general education requirement. Anyone can take classes at UCSC over the summer. Contact our office anytime.
Free Tax Help at SlugCents!
IRS-certified student tax preparers are now ready to help you complete and file tax returns at the SlugCents Financial Wellness Program, located at Hahn Student Services, Room 203 (next to Financial Aid). Drop in hours are 1-4 PM on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, now through April 15. If you received $67,000 or less in taxable…
Want to explore research at Baskin Engineering, meet new peers, and boost your interviews?
CMPM 15: Research Explorations is a 1-unit course where students of all backgrounds (first-years too!) explore various themes in computing and design through low-commitment, student-run reading groups. Keep this course in mind when enrolling for next quarter!If you want to learn more about the course or dive deeper into the themes, follow this link or…
Linter Workshop with ACM!
Join the Association for Computing Machinery on Thursday, January 16th from 5-6PM at E2-180 for our Linters Workshop! Come learn about linters, debuggers, and version control.
BioInformatics Club Oxford Nanopore Workshop
The Bioinformatics Club is excited to announce that Oxford Nanopore will be coming to UCSC this Thursday, January 16th from 11AM – 2PM @ E2-180 to present their human variation and transcriptome workflows! Please register here and fill out the form our google form for this event, and follow the directions to install Epi2me for…
Lead by Design Info Session
Lead by Design (CMPM 115) Info Sessions: Location: BE 55Friday, January 23rd at 12:00 PMThursday, January 30th at 1:30 PM Have you ever wondered what it’s like to teach your own class? Now’s your chance to become a student professor! Join CMPM 115: Lead by Design, keep your potential topic in mind! Through this 5-unit…
Engineering Teaching Community Undergrad
Where: BE-330 When: November 12, 2024 from 5pm-6pm Undergraduates at UCSC hold many instructional and supportive roles across our campus, such as tutoring, advising, mentoring, and more. ETC (Engineering Teaching Community) Undergrad exists as a supportive space for student instructors in STEM to meet those in similar roles, exchange ideas about education and learning, and…
U.S. Army Research Opportunity
The Army Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Serving Institutions (HBCU-MI) Student Program for Army Research and Knowledge (SPARK) program allows U.S. graduate and undergraduate students in STEM fields to conduct research at an Army facility. Under the guidance of government scientists and engineers, students will engage in Army mission-related research projects, including data analysis and…
Join the Slugworks Newsletter!
Slugworks Maker Space is Open! Subscribe to the Slugworks NewsletterNote: You have to click ‘join group’ to officially join our newsletter. Come swing by the Slugworks Table during Baskin Day on October 25th! We’ll be there to chat, give away swag, and answer any questions you have. Enroll in the Slugworks ‘24 – ‘25 Canvas…
Scholarship Opportunity with U.S. Department of Energy: STARS
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) provides opportunities for undergraduate students pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and supports environmental management research through STARS – the Success Through Academic and Research Scholarship. The scholarship supports operations in the following fields: Why should I apply? As a STARS Scholar, you will receive… What…
Elevate Your Consulting Career with Gesher Group Consulting!
Happy Fall, Slugs! Are you ready to take your professional development to the next level? Do you want to build a powerful network and gain invaluable experience by helping local businesses thrive? Join Gesher Group Consulting, UCSC’s oldest all-major inclusive consulting club! Since 2013, Gesher Group’s dynamic team of 30+ consultants has delivered strategic, high-impact…
ACM Infosession + Scavenger Hunt
Thanks for coming out to Cornucopia and being interested in ACM! At our infosession on Friday, 10/4/24, from 4-6pm at E2-180, you’ll get to meet the officers, learn more about the club, see our fall lineup of events, and participate in a scavenger hunt as a fun social activity! Network with your peers and classmates…