Tag: Announcements

  • 2024 Student Employment & Work-Study Fair

    Looking for an on-campus and/or work-study role? Network with on-campus departments actively searching for new student employees, including a key focus on employers offering work-study positions. Students from all class levels and disciplines are encouraged to attend. Full event description on Handshake! When: September 25th, 2024 from 10:00am-12:30pm Where: Quarry Plaza

  • 2024 Fall Move-in Weekend

    The campus’ large Fall move-in will take place September 19 – 22 to welcome new residents to the UCSC campus. Each day’s move-in process happens between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at multiple locations, with students arriving at east and west side parking lots before proceeding to their residences. The current full Move-in Schedule can be…

  • Bioinformatics Summer Bridge Course 2024

    The GIOD would like to announce that we are again offering an online introduction to bioinformatics, coding, and computational genomics for incoming frosh and transfer students. This non-credit course is free and will be 100% online. The material will be delivered in short segments over four weeks allowing students time to digest the material and…

  • Cyber Security Survey

    Ph.D. student David Torres-Mendoza is conducting research on motivations, challenges, and supports in cybersecurity careers. Participants with current or past interest in cybersecurity are invited to take a 15-minute survey for a chance to win a $20 Amazon gift card. Some participants may be invited for a 45-minute interview. Your input will contribute to research…

  • Sign up for the 2024 BME18: Scientific Principles of Life class

    Learn about the principles of life as it exists on this planet and how they generalize. Darwinian evolution, genomes, scientific theories of life (mechanistic, thermodynamic, information theoretic). Future of life: Internet, machine learning and adaptation, artificial intelligence, genome editing, fully artificial life. 5-course credits.

  • “Introduction to Hacking Competitions” This Fall

    Our Introduction to Hacking Competitions course (CMPM17-01) is coming back for Fall 2024! If you’re interested in… Then you may want to take our class this Fall! Class code: CMPM-17-01 In close partnership with *Slug Security*, we’ve made a course that teaches you the fundamentals of competitive hacking. Test your hacking skills against short and…

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    Cybersecurity Career Survey

    David Torres-Mendoza, a Ph.D. student in the CSE department at UC Santa Cruz, is conducting a research study to understand the motivations, challenges, and supports in the field of cybersecurity. He is seeking participants who are interested or have been interested in a cybersecurity career. Who can participate? What will you do? What’s in it…

  • Baskin Engineering Events

    Baskin Engineering always has something going on! From seminars, special lectures, public PhD defenses, and more fun-oriented social enrichment activities, you are part of a bustling community of academics! Check out the main events page and register for something that piques your interest. Remember: Your college experience is what YOU make it – so dive…

  • HISC155: Science, Technology, & Social Transformation

    Can we revolutionize the world with technoscience? How do technoscience and medicine shape the societies and environments we live in? How can new innovations and inventions create radical social and ecological change? The course is open to everyone and does not require specialist knowledge. Students from all departments and disciplines across the arts and humanities,…

  • New Baskin Student Group – Disabled in Science and Engineering (DIScE)

    Do you identify as disabled, neurodivergent, or as an ally to the disabled community? Join our new Baskin student group – Disabled in Science and Engineering (DIScE) – to: Check out our (in progress) website here: https://sites.google.com/view/disabledinstem/home and fill out our interest form to join the DIScE discord server here: https://forms.gle/cmpXhNmmZSBT82gd9 Feel free to email Tessa (teagle@ucsc.edu) with any…

  • Info Session: Max Planck School of Cognition

    Info Session: Max Planck School of Cognition

    Information about courses and programs at Max Planck School of Cognition for students interested in Neuroscience.

Last modified: Jul 26, 2024