Student Resources
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Learning support
Academic Excellence Honors Program (ACE)
Location/Contact: 199 Baskin, (831) 459-5280 Offers academic support in selected math, science, and Baskin Engineering courses and other opportunities. Small workshop-style discussion sections are facilitated by professional section leaders.
Baskin Engineering Excellence Scholars (BEES)
The Baskin Engineering Excellence Scholars (BEES) program prepares students for the academic rigors of the University by giving them the tools and resources necessary to achieve academic excellence, not only in their first year, but into their remaining undergraduate career.
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
Location/Contact: 121 ARCenter, (831) 459-2296 Provides a variety of academic and personal support programs designed to improve the retention and academic success of first-generation college students from low-income and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds and to ensure they successfully complete their undergraduate education and acquire the skills to prepare for graduate and professional school as well as future leadership roles.
Learning Support Services (LSS)
Location/Contact: 221 ARCenter, (831) 459-4333 Provides a broad range of academic support services and programs including the Learning Center, individual tutoring, guided study groups for difficult courses.
MESA Multicultural Engineering Program
MESA is an academic learning community that offers advancement and professional development opportunities to students from groups which remain underrepresented in engineering. MESA facilitates the success of a diverse population of engineering students through continuum of services that support the needs of educationally disadvantaged students (e.g. first-generation college, academic factors, economic conditions).
Services for Transfer and RE-Entry Students (STARS)
Provides academic advising, workshops, tutoring and many other services.
UC Computing Transfer Scholars Support Program
A National Science Foundation-funded program focused on creating a culturally affirming space for current city college students interested in pursuing computing majors at any UC campus.

Academic support
Professional development
We encourage students to attend conferences and events that promote professional development for underrepresented groups. Submit this form for conference or similar event funding.
Scholarships and awards
Details about our scholarships and access to online application forms.

Find a mentor
Baskin Peer Advisors
Peer Advisors provide front-line support services and information, answer major-related questions, and make referrals to campus services and resources.
Baskin Engineering Student Ambassadors (BESA)
Our ambassadors are current students who have been trained to answer questions and provide information about our educational programs and the student experience at Baskin and at UC Santa Cruz.
CBSE Research Mentoring Institute
Location/Contact: 501 Engineering 2, (831) 459-1702 The Center for Biomolecular Science and Engineering Research Mentoring Institute supports diversity at UCSC and in genomic research by providing scholarships and mentored research training for underrepresented students.
Mentor Network
The Baskin Engineering Mentor Network program enhances the student experience by linking students with alumni invested in their success — a person ready to listen, inspire, help navigate challenges and recognize opportunities.

Commitment to inclusion
Disability Resource Center (DRC)
Location/Contact: 146 Hahn Student Services, (831) 459-2089 Academic support services to students with disabilities. Referral to learning assessment re: information processing difficulties. Equipment loan, orientation to adaptive software, etc.
Hate/bias response
Report an incident of bias involving actions committed against a person or property that are motivated, in whole or in part, by a bias against race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, gender, gender identity, age, or disability.
Inclusive Excellence at Baskin Engineering
Baskin Engineering provides access and academic excellence to historically underrepresented students through high impact practices and initiatives, changing the climate, and supporting faculty to implement innovative ideas for inclusive education.
Professional ethics and integrity
Learn about our code of ethics.

Support for Slugs
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
We help students build new skills, learn how to manage stressors, build confidence, resolve problems, and identify alternatives to lead to success as a UCSC student.
Jobs and internships
Job and Internship resources for Baskin Engineering students.
Slug Cents
SlugCents provides students with equal access to financial resources so they can understand the UCSC financial system, make informed decisions about planning for higher education, graduate with as little debt as possible, and learn lifelong skills.
Slug Support
The goal of the Slug Support Program is to identify students of concern and develop an action plan focusing on retention through provision of support and resources.