Declare Your Major

Congratulations on taking the steps to declare your major within Baskin Engineering! Declaring your major is a key step in your academic journey that allows you to solidify your field of study, gain access to upper division coursework, and move forward towards earning a degree at UCSC.

There are four steps to complete in order for a student to declare their major. Once a student completes the major qualification coursework, they are eligible to begin the major declaration process. Please see below for the steps.

Baskin Engineering majors can declare in fall, winter, and spring quarters. As part of the declaration process, the BE Advising office will complete a review of the student’s record for fulfillment of major qualification criteria. There is no major qualification review in the summer. Major qualification will be reviewed starting the first day of instruction through the first two and half weeks of the quarter.

The winter major qualification review period will open Monday January 6, 2025 and run through Friday February 7, 2025.

Please note: any major declaration petition submitted after February 7 will be reviewed in the spring review period starting Monday March 31, 2025.

Follow These Steps:

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Step One

Log into MyUCSC and submit the Petition for Major/Minor via MyUCSC as soon as you have met major qualification requirements and/or reach your declaration deadline quarter, whichever comes first.

If you are not yet logged into MyUCSC, the petition can also be accessed by going to MyUCSC and navigating to the Student Homepage and selecting the Undergraduate Student eForms tile > Petition for Major/Minor.

If your request is unable to be processed via the eForm on MyUCSC, please complete this form.

Step Two

After submitting the Petition for Major/Minor via MyUCSC it can take up to 10 business days to receive a response. The response will be an email from our office indicating that your petition has been processed and informing you of your next steps. At this point, you will either be given information regarding next steps for Major Declaration OR next steps for the Major Declaration Appeal process.

Please note: major declaration eforms submitted earlier than a students 6th quarter and where a student has not yet met the major qualification requirements may take longer than 10 business days to be reviewed.

Step Three

Students who meet their major qualification requirements to declare will be added to a Canvas course. The Canvas course consists of several modules with information about campus and major policies, major requirements, as well as academic planning guidance. Students will be expected to score a 100% on a short quiz, checking for understanding of this information before their major declaration will be processed.

Step Four

Computer Science majors: The Baskin Engineering Undergraduate Advising office will review which students have completed the Final Major Declaration quiz with 100% every Wednesday. Your major declaration will be processed within a week from that Wednesday and any associated major declaration holds will be lifted.

All other Baskin Engineering majors: The Baskin Engineering Undergraduate Advising office will review which students have completed the Final Major Declaration quiz with 100% and have submitted an academic plan every Wednesday. If you have completed both items, your major declaration will be processed within a week from that Wednesday and any associated major declaration holds will be lifted.

To see if your major has been officially declared:

You can go to your myUCSC Student Center and click on “Student Advising Summary”.

On the Career/Program/Plan tab, you will see the field “Declared Major:” and your major will be listed.

If your major declaration has not been entered yet, you will see the field “Proposed Major:” with your proposed major listed.

Additional Information

For further information or if you have questions, please contact the Baskin Engineering Undergraduate Advising Office (225 Baskin Engineering) or

Last modified: Jan 31, 2025