Tag: Events
BE Club Bash – Part of Engineers Week
Join us for a celebration of Baskin Engineering student organizations! Our students will take the stage to showcase their clubs and inspire you to get involved. Activities: Free BE swag and food for participating attendees — first come, first served! We hope to see you there! RSVP here.
BioInformatics Club Oxford Nanopore Workshop
The Bioinformatics Club is excited to announce that Oxford Nanopore will be coming to UCSC this Thursday, January 16th from 11AM – 2PM @ E2-180 to present their human variation and transcriptome workflows! Please register here and fill out the form our google form for this event, and follow the directions to install Epi2me for…
Lead by Design Info Session
Lead by Design (CMPM 115) Info Sessions: Location: BE 55Friday, January 23rd at 12:00 PMThursday, January 30th at 1:30 PM Have you ever wondered what it’s like to teach your own class? Now’s your chance to become a student professor! Join CMPM 115: Lead by Design, keep your potential topic in mind! Through this 5-unit…
Innovative Women in Climate & Tech
An evening with women entrepreneurs, funders, and founders to discuss innovation and opportunities to create change. Discussion panel followed by networking and light refreshments. Moderator: Sri Kurniawan, Professor of Computational Media, Baskin School of Engineering Panelists Co-hosted by the Innovation & Business Engagement Hub, the Genomics Institute, and QB3 **Park Mobile available in Lot 116.
Weaving Sustainability into Fashion – Enroll now in CRSN 151C!
Interested in sustainable fashion and design? CRSN 151C: Sustainability in Textiles offers a hands-on approach to learning about textile production, reuse, and recycling. Explore the environmental impact of clothing while developing skills in sewing, weaving, dyeing, and fiber processing. May feature field trips and guest speakers! Course Details: Seats are limited – enroll now!
Readers/Tutors for CSE 101M: Mathematical Thinking for CS
We are looking for readers and tutors for CSE101M, Mathematical Thinking for Computer Science, this Winter. Applicants should have experience writing rigorous mathematical proofs, and have done well in CSE101M, CSE16, or an equivalent course. If you are interested, please apply here, and additionally send the following information to Professor Fremont at dfremont@ucsc.edu:
Want to learn about research at Baskin?
Are you interested in learning about the research taking place in Baskin Engineering? Do you want to get involved in research yourself? In CMPM 15, Exploratory Reading Groups, you will read and discuss about engineering research. CMPM 15 is a 1-unit, low-time commitment course for students from any background (first year students are welcome). No…
UCSC Orchestra – FREE Admission for Students
Where: Music Center Recital Hall, 400 McHenry Road, Santa Cruz, California 95064 When: Tuesday, November 26, 2024 7:30pm Bruce Kiesling conducts the UCSC Orchestra in a fall quarter concert featuring “Umoja” Anthem of Unity (2019) by Valerie Coleman (b. 1970) and Symphony No. 6 in B minor, op. 74 “Pathetique” by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)…
Engineering Teaching Community Undergrad
Where: BE-330 When: November 12, 2024 from 5pm-6pm Undergraduates at UCSC hold many instructional and supportive roles across our campus, such as tutoring, advising, mentoring, and more. ETC (Engineering Teaching Community) Undergrad exists as a supportive space for student instructors in STEM to meet those in similar roles, exchange ideas about education and learning, and…
ECE 4+1 MS Pathway Program Information Session
When: Wednesday, November 13 from 10-11am You are invited to join Shelby Wilson, the ECE graduate program advisor, and Nobby Kobayashi, the ECE graduate director, for a virtual information session covering the department’s 4+1 MS Pathway Program on November 13th from 10:00 to 11:00AM. The ECE 5-year Bachelor’s / Master’s Pathway Program enables motivated UCSC…
ACM Infosession + Scavenger Hunt
Thanks for coming out to Cornucopia and being interested in ACM! At our infosession on Friday, 10/4/24, from 4-6pm at E2-180, you’ll get to meet the officers, learn more about the club, see our fall lineup of events, and participate in a scavenger hunt as a fun social activity! Network with your peers and classmates…
Ideathon – $30,000 Cash Prizes!
Jumpstart Your Startup Journey! Join us for an intensive startup experience designed for both undergraduate and graduate students eager to tackle today’s most pressing challenges—from hydroponic energy systems to AI-driven apps and one-click rental platforms. Got a groundbreaking idea?Pitch it, refine it, and compete for cash prizes as we help you take your concept to…