Tag: Undergraduate Student

  • GDSC API Workshop: Discord Bots

    API Discord Bots Workshop! Wednesday, 05/29, 7:00-8:00pm, E2-180 Come and join us to learn how to create a Discord bot for your own server! We will show how to use APIs and how they work so you can use any API for your personal project. By the end of the workshop you will have your…

  • Bioinformatics Club – Journal Club

    Join us on Thursday, May 23rd from 6:00 – 7:00pm at PSB 305 to learn how to write a review paper! RSVP here

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    Cybersecurity Career Survey

    David Torres-Mendoza, a Ph.D. student in the CSE department at UC Santa Cruz, is conducting a research study to understand the motivations, challenges, and supports in the field of cybersecurity. He is seeking participants who are interested or have been interested in a cybersecurity career. Who can participate? What will you do? What’s in it…

  • Baskin Engineering Events

    Baskin Engineering always has something going on! From seminars, special lectures, public PhD defenses, and more fun-oriented social enrichment activities, you are part of a bustling community of academics! Check out the main events page and register for something that piques your interest. Remember: Your college experience is what YOU make it – so dive…

  • New Baskin Student Group – Disabled in Science and Engineering (DIScE)

    Do you identify as disabled, neurodivergent, or as an ally to the disabled community? Join our new Baskin student group – Disabled in Science and Engineering (DIScE) – to: Check out our (in progress) website here: https://sites.google.com/view/disabledinstem/home and fill out our interest form to join the DIScE discord server here: https://forms.gle/cmpXhNmmZSBT82gd9 Feel free to email Tessa (teagle@ucsc.edu) with any…

Last modified: Jun 10, 2024