Baskin Engineer 2 landscape


  • Job & Internship Opportunities in CCWD

    Job & Internship Opportunities in CCWD

    Application deadline: Wed. April 10th at 5pm Follow this link to view job & internship opportunities: Contra Costa Water District Jobs Internships are available in: MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth (12th) grade and current enrollment or a recent graduate of an accredited college, university, or educational institution. No work experience is required. Special…

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  • HISC155: Science, Technology, & Social Transformation

    Can we revolutionize the world with technoscience? How do technoscience and medicine shape the societies and environments we live in? How can new innovations and inventions create radical social and ecological change? The course is open to everyone and does not require specialist knowledge. Students from all departments and disciplines across the arts and humanities,…

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  • New Baskin Student Group – Disabled in Science and Engineering (DIScE)

    Do you identify as disabled, neurodivergent, or as an ally to the disabled community? Join our new Baskin student group – Disabled in Science and Engineering (DIScE) – to: Check out our (in progress) website here: and fill out our interest form to join the DIScE discord server here: Feel free to email Tessa ( with any…

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  • QB3 Summer Undergrad Biotech Internship Paid Opportunities

    UCSC undergraduates are encouraged to apply for a paid 10 week full-time summer biotech internship program. The interns will be placed with local biotechnology companies or UC Santa Cruz core facilities. Fellows will receive fellowship support from QB3 at UCSC. This is a great opportunity to work and gain experience in the biotech industry. Deadline…

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  • Baskin Engineering Undergraduate Peer Advisors

    Google Chat With a Baskin Engineering Peer Advisor PA Google Chat Hours:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. &  2:00 – 4:00 p.m.Thursday: 9:30-11:30 a.m. HOW TO CHAT: Add (+) to your Google Hangouts, using your UCSC email (chat function is on the bottom left of your Gmail screen) In-Person Peer Advising:Thursday: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.Check in at Baskin…

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  • Info Session: Max Planck School of Cognition

    Info Session: Max Planck School of Cognition

    Information about courses and programs at Max Planck School of Cognition for students interested in Neuroscience.

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Last modified: Mar 21, 2024