Want to explore research at Baskin Engineering, meet new peers, and discover lab opportunities?
CMPM 15: Research Explorations is a 1-unit course where students of all backgrounds (first-years too!) explore various themes in computing and design through low-commitment, student-run reading groups. Keep this course in mind when enrolling for next quarter!If you want to learn more about the course or dive deeper into the themes, visit this link or…
Free Tax Help at SlugCents!
IRS-certified student tax preparers are now ready to help you complete and file tax returns at the SlugCents Financial Wellness Program, located at Hahn Student Services, Room 203 (next to Financial Aid). Drop in hours are 1-4 PM on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, now through April 15. If you received $67,000 or less in taxable…
Want to explore research at Baskin Engineering, meet new peers, and boost your interviews?
CMPM 15: Research Explorations is a 1-unit course where students of all backgrounds (first-years too!) explore various themes in computing and design through low-commitment, student-run reading groups. Keep this course in mind when enrolling for next quarter!If you want to learn more about the course or dive deeper into the themes, follow this link or…
Sign up for BioHacks! – A Beginner-Friendly, Bioinformatics-Orientated Hackathon
When: February 22nd & February 23rd. Where: E2-180 What: Join us in Engineering 2 -180 from February 22nd to 23rd for opportunities in networking, prizes, working on interactive challenges, and more! During this 2-day hackathon, we’ll dive deep into the fascinating world of bioinformatics! BioHacks is a beginner-friendly hackathon. Everyone can attend! If you have…
CTD’s Figma Tutorial!
Want to learn more about Figma? Want to understand some design basics? Be sure to stop by CTD’s Figma workshop this Thursday, 6-7pm in E2-506. We will be covering some of the basics, as well as some of the specifics of features such as autolayout and component making. Bring your friends, your laptop and yourself…
GWC Meeting this Tuesday!
Join Girls Who Code this Tuesday at 6pm to learn and practice version control at SNE Room 326. Make sure to bring your laptops and we hope to see you there!