Alexander Colloredo-Mansfeld shares on Google Developer Student Club (GDSC)

GDSC members visit the Google campus.

Club lead Alexander Colloredo-Mansfeld shares his experiences with GDSC.

My best personal experience with GDSC has definitely been growing with the club throughout my entire university experience. I joined the club as a member my freshman year, when the whole school was remote and finding a sense of community was incredibly difficult, and so having a welcoming group of students around me, even if remote, was so beneficial that I knew I wanted to become an officer and help provide this opportunity to others. After applying and becoming a Solution Challenge Coordinator on the officer team, I fell in love even more with the community.

Being able to work closely with small teams participating in the Solution Challenge and getting to know individual members closely was incredibly gratifying. Now in my senior year, after having been an active member of the GDSC for my entire college experience, becoming Lead of the club has been such an amazing opportunity. I love being able to work with my officer team, all of whom started as members, to provide the Baskin community such a valuable resource!

If students are interested in joining a community of software engineers with a drive to learn and collaborate as a team, we would love to see them at any of our upcoming workshops!


Last modified: May 24, 2024