Club president Tanisha Katoch shares her experiences with ACM-W.
Our club’s mission is to empower women in technology as we provide information regarding advice and opportunities while creating a community. We hope to move forward with meetings that provide information that women at UCSC need, to inspire new ideas as they graduate.
I’m Tanisha, the President of ACM-W and I started as a Grace Hopper Conference (GHC) scholar! I was given the opportunity by ACM-W to attend the largest women in computing conference in the U.S! I had a wonderful experience and decided to be the treasurer the following year. Since then, I have moved up and have become more involved with ACM-W! This club has given me the opportunity to attend the GHC twice which has provided me access to interviews and advice from companies!
We are currently branching out with an Application Development Project where students attend our weekly meetings where we teach topics such as basic js, firebase, API, and more! This will prepare them for a final project in the spring quarter!