Students at graduation

Career Success

We know that the job market can be very competitive, and we’re here to help!

Baskin Engineering is committed to helping our students develop into exceptional candidates upon graduation by offering a variety of advantageous resources. We collaborate closely with leading tech companies to create workshops and other professional development programming, ensuring that our students gain access to cutting-edge insights, real-world experiences, and invaluable networking opportunities.

 Three students walking outside the Science and Engineering Library

Career Success services

From the initial step of exploring different career pathways all the way to assisting with job offer evaluations – and everything in between – we offer a comprehensive range of services for our students.

Three students work on laptops

Jobs and internships

Use Handshake to search for job and internship opportunities, connect with employers targeting UCSC students and alumni, find professional development events, and make appointments with a career coach.

Students at graduation

Career planning timeline

Get an idea of how to position yourself for employment after graduation. Note that career planning is very much an individual process, and this is by no means set in stone, but it can give students an idea of how to keep career goals on track. 

Student writing on glass board

Career readiness competencies

Our programming and resources are based on proven career readiness competencies that broadly prepare students for success in the workplace and lifelong career management. We strive to incorporate the eight career readiness competencies in our offerings

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