Departments and Curriculum
The Baskin School of Engineering at UC Santa Cruz represents a rare combination of world-class, high-impact research on a campus known for social responsibility and diversity. Find the information you need about our programs and curriculum requirements.

Major qualifications
Looking for information about proposing and declaring majors at Baskin Engineering? Learn about the major qualification requirements for each of our undergraduate programs.

Curriculum charts
View curriculum charts for Baskin Engineering programs to stay on track of your degree progress and ensure you are completing all course requirements.

Course listings
View the list of courses and schedules offered throughout the academic year by each Baskin Engineering academic department.

Baskin Engineering faculty and students pursue novel, visionary research that leads to positive societal impact. Explore opportunities and tips for getting involved in research.

Degree programs
The Baskin School of Engineering offers forward-looking, interdisciplinary major and minor programs across seven academic departments.

Humanizing Technology Certificate Program
Launching winter 2023, the Humanizing Technology Certificate Program (HTCP) encourages undergraduate engineering students to explore the impacts of new and existing technologies.