
  • Digital Marketing Intern Opportunity for AI Startup

    We are building a Career Advice Network platform powered by AI – you type in your career questions and we use AI to connect you to the right people who have the most similar past experience and struggles as you to answer them! This is a part time, remote, unpaid position. Expected hours of work:…

  • Job & Internship Opportunities in CCWD

    Job & Internship Opportunities in CCWD

    Application deadline: Wed. April 10th at 5pm Follow this link to view job & internship opportunities: Contra Costa Water District Jobs Internships are available in: MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth (12th) grade and current enrollment or a recent graduate of an accredited college, university, or educational institution. No work experience is required. Special…

  • HISC155: Science, Technology, & Social Transformation

    Can we revolutionize the world with technoscience? How do technoscience and medicine shape the societies and environments we live in? How can new innovations and inventions create radical social and ecological change? The course is open to everyone and does not require specialist knowledge. Students from all departments and disciplines across the arts and humanities,…

  • New Baskin Student Group – Disabled in Science and Engineering (DIScE)

    Do you identify as disabled, neurodivergent, or as an ally to the disabled community? Join our new Baskin student group – Disabled in Science and Engineering (DIScE) – to: Check out our (in progress) website here: and fill out our interest form to join the DIScE discord server here: Feel free to email Tessa ( with any…

  • QB3 Summer Undergrad Biotech Internship Paid Opportunities

    UCSC undergraduates are encouraged to apply for a paid 10 week full-time summer biotech internship program. The interns will be placed with local biotechnology companies or UC Santa Cruz core facilities. Fellows will receive fellowship support from QB3 at UCSC. This is a great opportunity to work and gain experience in the biotech industry. Deadline…

  • Akshat Sharma’s TesPhase project provides an innovative sustainable energy option for charging electric vehicles

    Akshat Sharma’s TesPhase project provides an innovative sustainable energy option for charging electric vehicles

    Akshat Sharma is a rising second-year computer science student at the Baskin School of Engineering. This summer, he built a system that balances and redirects excess solar energy power to charge electric vehicles, called TesPhase. His short term goals while studying at Baskin Engineering include improving upon TesPhase’s technology, conducting AI research on campus, and…

  • Fall Orientation 2023

    Welcome new students to Baskin Engineering! Check out the frosh, transfer, and department orientation videos and presentations below. Baskin Engineering Fall 2023 Frosh Orientation Watch now » Baskin Engineering Fall 2023 Transfer Orientation Watch now » Department orientation Applied Mathematics Major Presentation Biomolecular Engineering and Bioinformatics Major Presentation Computer Engineering and Network & Digital Technology…

  • Joseph Cruz wins three awards for his universal flu vaccine research

    Joseph Cruz wins three awards for his universal flu vaccine research

    Joseph Cruz, one of our outstanding 25th class of Baskin School of Engineering graduates, transferred to UC Santa Cruz in 2020 from Mt. San Antonio College in southern California. As a Baskin Engineering student, he conducted universal flu vaccine development research with Professor Rebecca DuBois. He recently received the Chancellor’s Award, Dean’s Award, and Steck…

  • Manikantanagasai (Mani) Illuri: Applying technology for social good

    Manikantanagasai (Mani) Illuri: Applying technology for social good

    Manikantanagasai (Mani) Illuri just completed his first year at UC Santa Cruz. While in high school, he took several courses at a community college to stay ahead and better prepare for a major in computer science. In his free time, Mani has been developing a social media platform that connects senior citizens to teens in…

  • Research, clubs, and programs: Shreedhar Jangagm pursues his passions at Baskin Engineering

    Research, clubs, and programs: Shreedhar Jangagm pursues his passions at Baskin Engineering

    Shreedhar Jangam is a first-year computer science student at the Baskin School of Engineering. Before he began his studies at UC Santa Cruz, he was working on a machine learning research project with a professor from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), which will soon turn into his first publication. Shreedhar, an Eagle Scout,…

  • Slug Competitive Programming Club President Nhan Nguyen is creating an inclusive and supportive space for students interested in competitive programming

    Slug Competitive Programming Club President Nhan Nguyen is creating an inclusive and supportive space for students interested in competitive programming

    Nhan Nguyen is an international, second-year computer game design student and founder and president of the Slug Competitive Programming (SlugCP) Club. He’s been heavily involved in competitive programming and led the efforts, under the mentorship of Distinguished Professor Darrell Long, in establishing UCSC student presence at the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). After graduation, Nhan…

  • Maryam Siddiqui blends her twin passions of coding and making music

    Maryam Siddiqui blends her twin passions of coding and making music

    With a major in computer science and minor in electronic music, undergraduate student Maryam Siddiqui is blending her twin passions of coding and making music. Maryam has enjoyed her two internships in web application development, where she was able to enhance her web coding skills. After graduating this spring, she’ll start a full-time role at…

Last modified: Mar 28, 2024